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IT Services

We offer solutions that include the creation and maintenance of enterprise IT infrastructure, data management, data transfer, web portals, Sharepoint solutions development, software applications, engineering setup and information management systems – to help you reduce your costs and make profits from your business.

Electronic devices

Electronic devices are a daily necessities of life, indispensable to personal needs or to communication with the world, and many other things related to life and work.
We make our efforts to provide services without bothering the customer, just click a button to get what you need.


We provide e-marketing services for sites, products and services for:
– Bring more visitors by improving the ranking of site pages in search engine results.
– Achieve presence on social networking sites and promote through them.

What distinguish us
Crossing works on the principle of engagement with its customers during the design, deployment and operating phases, and provides them with all necessary technical services to improve their business. Moreover, our products are accompanied with services, as this makes Crossing an effective contributor to the industry, balancing the use of pre-existing solutions and innovating new ones based on the customer needs.
What do we provide?
Crossing offers many services to help its customers run and manage the technical environment related to their business and increase their chances of remaining competitive, while minimizing the risks of a total dependence on the use of technology in managing their projects.
how do we work?
Using an advisory approach, our experts can determine which part of your project or business can benefit from our services. This is a shift in the culture of technology, from being a mere extra expense or a commodity service, this will be a systematic contributing factor to your project. Crossing is committed to meet all customer needs, taking into consideration the budgetary criteria.

About us

Crossing ITS is specialized in communication and information technologies, information security, and the invention of advanced technical solutions.

We provide vital services and specialized support. We provide you with all the solutions that you need, as well as providing services for the central market, consulting and strategic services for business companies.